WNA June 2015 Monthly Meeting Agenda

Westminster Neighborhood Association

Notice of Monthly Meeting Agenda

For June 23, 2015 (Tues.)

(To be held in the Westminster Playground if weather permits;

otherwise at 922 Westminster (basement)]

Starting sharply at 7:00 p.m.

Come meet your neighbors and get involved in the shaping of your neighborhood during 2015. The scheduled items include:

—  No speaker this evening – Let’s get down to internal business.

— Hospitality Charter School Site  – Update from our WNA Committee as to what initial development plans are for this site.

—  Movie in the Playground – We will show another movie on Sat., 6/27 (Night at the Museum or Transformers?). We need volunteers to coordinate this and help determine if we will be showing other movies this Summer .

— Block Party This Year? – We had discussed having our block party in the Fall when it is a bit cooler (Sept.). If so, we need some volunteers to put this together. Although our previous coordinator, Lauren Aitkin, has moved she is happy to assist.

— Playground Birthday Parties – We’re getting so many parties, even  families living a distance away (we’re the cheapest Playground in town). Do we start charging a voluntary donation ($25?, $50?).

— Treasurer’s Report – How many paid members to we have? Do we have enough funds to paint the Playground fence or can someone work on getting our promised grant?

— WNA Website –We need someone to assist this Committee to carry on in getting the WNA website up and running. Esp. if we’re going to keep showing movies in the Playground.

WNA May 2015 Newsletter

Hospitality Charter School Site – Word is out that this site has been sold to Hollow Creek Invest- ment Group who will seek variances from the zon- ing regulations to build 29 condo units versus the 7 units that would be permitted w/o a variance. We determined at our May WNA meeting that we will get involved in this construction due to the parking effects it will have on our neighborhood. George Shomari Smith (Shomarighs@aol.com) will head the WNA committee. If you want to participate or comment, please contact him.

8th and T Lot Development – Manna, Inc. was awarded this lot (the former parking lot behind the old Hospitality Charter School). They will be doing 6 condos on the site and will have parking for all 6 units. Four units will be sold to moderate income owners and 2 to market owners. They hope to break ground sometime next year. For any information, contact James Solomon at Manna (202.903.8314).

Movie in the Playground – In conjunction with the 9-N-U Business League, we will be doing a trial showing of a movie in the Playground, set for Sat., June 6, at 8:30 pm. While there’s some seating on the brick planter perimeter, etc., bring a fold-up chair if you have one. There will be soft drinks and popcorn. If this works out well, we may try to have more of these movie nights. We need a few volunteers to put this together. Let Pres. Lynn Johnson know if you can help. [Lynn@Johnsonandpavuk.com, tel.202.371.0962].

Block Party This Year? – Last year we discussed having our block party in the Fall when it is a bit cooler (Sept.). If so, we need some volunteers to start putting this together now. Although our previ- ous coordinator, Lauren Aitkin, has moved she is happy to assist. Let Pres. Lynn know if you can take this on.

Community Paint/Improvement – We need a few of you to come forward to keep our neighborhood looking great. We need members for:

  • Picking up trash from sidewalks, streets & alleys on the west half of T St.;
  • Spraying sidewalks & alleys for weeds on the south side of T St.; and
  • Taking on task of finding a concrete contractor to level the oval area in the Playground where water congregates, making it slippery  for the children.

Remember, if we all don’t contribute, these items simply won’t get done.

Next Monthly Meeting – You know the drill. It’ll be the 4th Tues. of the month, June 23, at 7:00 pm sharp. It will be held in the Westminster Playground if the weather is good; otherwise, at 922 Westmin- ster Street, NW (basement).