WNA Agenda for May 24, 2016

Westminster Neighborhood Association
Notice of Monthly Meeting Agenda
For Tuesday, May 24, 2016

To be held in the Playground if weather is nice; otherwise in the basement of 922 Westminster starting sharply at 7:00 p.m.

Come meet your neighbors and get involved in keeping your neighborhood clean, safe, and attractive. The scheduled items include:

  • Spring Playground Improvements – We’ve opened the Playground and are completing various minor tasks. It should be all completed in a few weeks. When the weather stays at 80 degrees, we’ll start the Water Feature. The DC DGS did a great job pulling the weeds and mulching the Playground so we don’t need to do this. Note – we need another member to lock the Playground at night during the week. Contact Pres. Lynn Johnson if you can do this for awhile.
  • Park Appreciation Potluck – We are holding this in the Playground on Fri., May 20, at 5:30 to recognize all those that have helped build, maintain and renovate the Playground. We will have a BBQ so please feel free to bring a side dish or dessert.
  • Semi-Annual Spring Clean-up – This event, held April 23, went very well. The dumpster was filled quickly. We will need more volunteers to work the dumpster next time. We took out an awesome amount of recyclables/hazard waste with our rented pick-up.
  • New Trees – We have about 10 new trees on our blocks. If you live near any of them (& especially if it is on your sidewalk), please make arrangements to water them (they all have ‘gator bags) once per week. If you need a ‘gator bag for any other tree, WNA now has a supply. Contact Pres. Lynn Johnson. WNA also has some extra trash cans—both green and blue ones.

Note – You can pay your annual WNA dues on PayPal (you don’t have to be a member). Just go to Paypal.com, go to “Send Money,” and put in  the name wnagroup01@gmail.com.

WNA Agenda for April 26, 2016

Westminster Neighborhood Association
Notice of Monthly Meeting Agenda
For Tuesday, April 26, 2016

To be held at 922 Westminster (basement) starting sharply at 7:00 p.m.

Come meet your neighbors and get involved in keeping your neighborhood clean, safe, and attractive. The scheduled items include:

  • Spring Playground Improvements – We’re making great progress and getting everything we have asked for. Some unexpected requests have come up while the DC Dept. of Gen. Serv. has been making these repairs/changes/improvements. We’ve been asked to cover about $6,000 of our requests and will be voting on this at the meeting. We are still shooting to have it all completed by April 29.
  • Semi-Annual Spring Clean-up – This is scheduled for this Sat., April 23. Please do your best to participate that morning, from 9 am – 12 noon.
  • BEST Kids Mentoring Program – Danny Silbert will come to our meeting to explain what this program is about and how we can help some of the students in our area.
  • New Trees – Thanks to the work of member Sandrea Ballestero during the last year, we received about 10 new trees on our blocks this week.. If you live near any of them (& especially if it is on your sidewalk), please make arrangements to water them (they all have ‘gator bags) once per week for the next two years.
  • Treasurer’s Report – Our treasury is still strong. This makes us strong. Remember, your dues are due on a calendar year basis. By paying your dues, you increase our membership and this makes us even stronger.

Note – You can pay your annual WNA dues on PayPal (you don’t have to be a member). Just go to Paypal.com , go to “Send Money,” and put in the name of wnagroup01@gmail.com.